Fantasy/Dungeons & Dragons Summer camp (age 7-14) June 16-20 (5 days)

June 16-20

Instructor: Samuel Hoskins

Fantasy/Dungeons & Dragons camp will explore the art of drawing/painting fantasy creatures, potions, and maps. Plus they will explore the creatures and activities of Dungeons and Dragons and other items from the worlds of long ago.

Mornings will consist of the main art activities, creating within the theme of the week. Instruction is by art educators assisted by studio staff.

Afternoons will consist of open and structured art activities with a variety of related projects, facilitated by studio staff.

 Doors open at 8:30am


1/2 day (9am-12pm) $195

Full/day (9am-4pm) $295

*Must provide own snack(s) and lunch*

Camp session

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